Behavioral Assessments: The What, Why, and How
- By Mercer | Mettl
- November 17, 2022
Behavioral assessments are essential in a workplace that demands adaptability, growth mindsets, and self-motivation. Essentially, they examine your candidates’ abilities to show their behavioral competencies in one or more tasks related to their responsibility that mimic real-world scenarios.
This Mercer | Mettl whitepaper looks at how new-age tools make it easier for companies to conduct behavioral assessments. It also dives deeper into the advantages of such assessments and why they are becoming more relevant to gauge employee competencies. Download to learn:
- What are behavioral assessments and their importance
- How they differ from personality and cognitive tests
- The different types of tools available
- Best practices in conducting an assessment
- Advantages and disadvantages of such assessments
- How Mercer can help