SK Telcom Goes After Lucrative 5G MEC Market
- By CDOTrends editors
- August 26, 2021
South Korea’s SK Telecom has announced a partnership with 5G equipment makers HFR and NTELS to develop solutions for the emerging global market in 5G mobile edge computing (MEC).
The three partners are planning a B2B pilot project using customized 5G MEC solutions and making them available to local and foreign corporates and institutions operating private 5G networks.
Manufacturers assigned 5G network frequencies to build smart factories are one initial target market, with the partners offering equipment, software, and maintenance.
The solutions will be delivered through a solution called All-In-One Edge, which combines remote network interworking and edge computing functions, which also assists companies with no experience and to build and operate the networks.
"We will provide industry-specialized 5G MEC solutions targeting various global enterprises and public companies," SKT's chief technology officer Kim Yun told local media.
Analysts estimate the global private 5G network market will be worth USD 4.6 billion by 2025, with the number of worksites with networks estimated at around 15 million globally.
A MEC solution includes infrastructure that works as a mobile data center designed to reduce bottleneck phenomena at the central server.
The solution offers cloud capabilities and an information technology service environment at the edge of cellular networks.
The mobile data center is set up near data sources such as internet of things (IoT) devices and connected machines inside a smart factory.
As part of the collaboration, SKT will develop new service products and manage the operation of the business while HFR develops global network interlink technology and operate foreign sales channels. NTELS will manage the platform development, maintenance, and customer service.
Image credit: iStockphoto/Ekkasit919